Example - /etc/passwd as readable cmdb
You can even turn readable, write protected files into scorchdb files by defining the columns on the command line
Report all users (-name) and their shell (-shell) that have /bin/false as a shell
$ scorchdb --file /etc/passwd -def "name password uid gid group home shell" -fs : false -name -shell systemd-timesync /bin/false systemd-network /bin/false systemd-resolve /bin/false systemd-bus-proxy /bin/false syslog /bin/false _apt /bin/false lxd /bin/false messagebus /bin/false uuidd /bin/false dnsmasq /bin/false pollinate /bin/false
--file names the file to use
-fs is the field seperator
-def is a list of the column definitions
false is a patterm matched string
-name is one of the column fields to return the values from
-shell is one of the column fields to return the values from